Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Invention Intervention - The Potting Shed

I'm not sure why, but Southerners love to 'repurpose' things. Whether it's automotive repair or construction of a potting shed, repurposing things is second nature. Now take a look at this great shed.  I will state for the record that the shed above is not mine.  Let me say that from the outset. Not mine.  Bubba, you got that? NOT mine!  


Now, what I really love about this shed is that it's made from so many various things.  The door is made from a...well, a door.  but the big side is also made from doors, and lots of frosted glass help diffuse the light.  Now, take a look at the rest of it.  It's a thing of art, isn't it? There are bricks, various kinds of wood,  and even the dirt around it is used to help hold it all together.  

I'm not sure what that one board is used for...that one there leaning to one side, but the rest seems to have a purpose.  Perhaps it's there to affect that pet door there next to the main door. Yes?  Ok, maybe not. There's lots of extra wood and bricks laying around there, maybe there are plans for expansion later. If not, I'm pretty sure I can find something to do with them.

Which reminds me, I need to clean out my shed.

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