So, you already know we're selling our home. It's been on the market a while and we've had a couple of offers. The offer we just received bears note. It was ludicrous. It was fully 10% less than our asking price. That may seem like a trifle to someone who's home is priced in the high 6 figures, but to us, it was a freaking insult.
But it gets worse. The reason they couldn't offer more was because they only could qualify for the amount they offered. Ok, so fair enough, but why? Why on earth would you go out looking at houses you CAN'T afford knowing you would have to offer any one of them less NOT because you feel the house is worth less, but because you can't qualify for that higher amount? Why aren't you just looking at homes that are priced more in your budget? What kind of real estate agent says "Oh I know you can't possibly afford this home, but we can always offer them less...."
Perhaps we're affected by all those shows on HGTV. He's a part time window dresser and she sharpens pencils at home and their budget is 1.2 MILLION?? (And the first house they go out to look at is priced at 1.5 Million?) So why can't someone qualify for our little homestead? What is wrong with their background that keeps them from that 10% more? And it goes in circles. If you can't qualify, why offer less and if you can't qualify why are you looking and... Ok,perhaps I'm being a bit exacting here, but it's all still insulting.
The sign is still in the yard, and the people are still trouping in. More later...
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